If you are planning to make changes we would like to hear from you. Here, and over the page, are some of the most common questions and themes we have encountered over the past few years.
Why is a garden important?
• It provides a setting for your home
• It provides a sense of arrival – often the first impressions of your home
• It allows you to extend your home environment into the outdoors
• It can be a source of good fresh food, colour, scent, seasonal interest
• It can connect you more closely to nature through plants and animals
• It can contribute to local ecology and a sustainable environment
How can our garden be more useful and enjoyable?
• It should benefit all members of your household
• It should allow you to express your personality and make your free time more interesting
• The layout should be adaptable to your lifestyle changes
• It can be a place for socialising and entertaining
• It should increase your recreational options – from sitting and relaxing, to active games and play and should allow you to develop your interests and hobbies.
• It can develop your interest or inspire you to enjoy the pleasure in growing plants
How much will changing my garden cost?
Not necessarily as much as you might think. Whilst some of the gardens we have designed have had an extravagant budget, we pride ourselves with offering the best advice to our clients so that they can reconcile their ideas and ambitions with their budget. By discussing ideas and intentions early we have, on very many occasions, saved clients from making unnecessary expensive mistakes. We take as much pleasure from helping clients to understand what doesn’t need to be done as encouraging them to make positive changes that might cost more. Indeed some significant changes, for example revealing a view or changing a maintenance regime, are free and make a big difference.
Can I do the work myself?
Yes. Just because you might seek professional advice, it doesn’t mean that you will be locked into expensive design fees and construction contracts. If you have the time, skills and enthusiasm to do the work yourself then you will need different advice. Some changes combine of professional advice, with the help of skilled and specialist trades if and when required, and significant input from the garden owners/users.